- Wear appropriate disposable gloves during the application and rinsing of the products
- Empty Xtenso Oleoshape Smoothing cream in a non-metallic bowl
- Apply the reducing agent starting beyond about half a centimeter from the scalp. If the hair has already been permed or straightened, only apply to new regrowth
- Use a timer, the application time must be counted in the total processing time. Total development time: Extra resistant hair, resistant and normal strengths: 15–20 minutes
- Sensitive strength: 10 – 15 minutes
- Sooth with fingers or side of hand to ensure product is spread through hair, and it remains straight
- Do not leave the reducing agent in contact with the hair for more than 20 minutes or the time determined by the swatch test, otherwise rinse the treated zone
- Do not develop under heat
- Do not pull the hair during application
- Do not leave treated swatches in contact with the skin
- Rinse thoroughly with warm water until complete elimination of the reducing agent. Ensure that the rinse water does not run into the eyes
- Towel dry carefully